Hi friends, I am going to give you a quick rundown of my weekly grocery list, what I typically eat in a day and a sample of what dinners we have in a given week. I want to make be clear that I do not follow a diet, but rather, I try my best to eat a very balanced diet and always try to make a heathier version of my favorite dishes.

My Typical Grocery List:
Apples Brussel Sprouts
Bell Peppers Tomatoes
Cucumbers Bagged Salads
Onion Avocado
Zuccini Baby Carrots
Marinated Chicken Ground Turkey
Ground Beef
Shredded Cheese Coconut Milk
Almond Milk Hummus
Pantry Items
Skinny Pop Popcorn Wheat Thins
Garbonza Beans White Rice
Quinoa Rice Noodles
Chickpea Pasta Carb Balance Tortilla Wraps
Frozen Items
Peas Spicy Black Bean Burger (made by MorningStar)
Stir Fry Veggies CauliPower Pizza
Spicy Ranch Dressing Spicy Citrus Ginger Dressing
Sparkling water
Vitamins - see below
With this grocery list, I honestly do have a lot of options for meals during the week. I am 100% a creature of habit when it comes to meals. I would say mark and I rotate about 7-10 different dinners in a given week. Below is what I typically eat in a day, followed by out go-to dinners.
Morning /Breakfast ( In order)
Vitamins ( Olly probiotic, Olly multivitamin, Olly Complexion - I LOVE THESE PRODUCTS)
Belvita Bar or Celery juice or Scrambled eggs
Mid Morning
Handful of Pretzels
Salad with spicy ranch dressing
Black Bean Burger in a wrap with mustard
Left overs
Carrots and hummus
Dinner Options: ( with a nice glass of wine )
Grilled chicken and veggies ( sometimes with rice)
Stir Fry with Chicken
Lasagna ( half the noodles are zucchini)
Burgers with salad
Garbonza Beans, spinach, rice in Indian curry sauce
Pesto Chicken with Mustard potatoes
Marks Homemade Chicken Parm with Homemade sauce
Chick Pea Pasta with Chicken
Turkey Chili
DM me if you have recipe requests!