I just wanted to quickly develop a list of things that have been helpful for me during these current events. I feel the best way I could support my feelings was to educate myself.
Things to Watch:
1) When They See Us - A TV series in which 5 young black males are wrongfully convicted for the Central Park Jogger Case in 1989, due to being manipulated by law enforcement.
2) The Central Park 5 - A Deeper look at the above TV series in a movie format
3) Explained : The Racial Wealth Gap - Cory Booker and other discuss how slavery, housing, discrimination and centuries of inequality have compounded to create a racial wealth gap
4) The Good Cop - Movie - New York City Police Department Detective Artie Lewis, who, with his wife Rita, adopts his late partner's children and loves them as their own after he was killed on the job.
Things to Google/Read:
1. Central Park Jogger Case – see above
2. The MOVE bombing – The Day Philadelphia bombed its on people.
Things to support
1) Humanizing the Badge - A mission to help force stronger relationships between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve.
2)The Innocence Project - legal organization that is committed to exonerating individuals who it claims have been wrongly convicted through the use of DNA testing and to reforming the criminal justice system to prevent future injustices.
3) Swirl Inc. - A national multi-ethnic organization that challenges society's notions of race through community building, education, and action.
4) NPAP – National Police Accountability Project - A non-profit dedicated to ending law enforcement abuse through legal action and educational programming.