When I started blogging, I welcomed any suggestions on the next "post" - y'all really really seemed to want to meet Mark, the man behind the scene who gives me the spark in my personality and the guy who is standing behind the camera. WHAT A DOLL! When I ran the idea of an "interview" with him, you can imagine the blank stare followed by an eye roll - but after batting my eyes a little, he welcomed the idea and we had a very casual "interview"
Here are the questions you asked: enjoy ;)
How did you meet Megan? What caught your eye? What is one thing she does that annoys you?
Sigh** This always takes so long to explain. So it's actually a funny story. Meg and I lived next-door to each other when we were in middle and high school - to put it in perspective, she was a loser freshman and I was a senior who was too cool for school. I remember driving by the bus stop and laughing at all the youngin's, her included. Now fast forward 9-10 years, Instagram connected us, and the "likes" became a thing. Next thing we knew, we ran into each other at a Main Line Health ( where I, and her mother work) event - she was helping her mom out, and I remember seeing a DM in my IG the next day that read " I was so nice running into you :) ", two and a half years later, we have a pup and a beautiful house. Next question. oh, definitely her smile and eyes. uh what annoys me? with Meg? or in general? I'll have to come back to that.
What is your favorite Hobby?
I'm not sure how to answer this...ummmmm, drink beer? (laughter)…. uh, ride dirt bikes. ( Babe - we don't have a dirt bike)… well maybe then we need one. Okay, Okay- I like to work on my car and enjoy my time in the kitchen... is that girly to say??
What can you cook?
Well I like to make B (his nickname for Bryn, our dog) a fried egg pretty often, and the using the smoker to make brisket and smoked ham seems to be a hit in the family as well, and of course, I can put together a meaty sandwich if needed.
What is your least favorite house chore?
Making the bed... like what is up with having 500 pillows on the bed, I can't keep it all straight.
What do you do for work?
I work for a health system ( babe, explain) I work in human resources at main line health.
What is the favorite meal Megan makes for you?
Oh, man.. that's a tough one. I would have to say grain bowls, or indian food.. no, no, chili.. oh, no the stir fry noodle bowls...maybe the spaghettis squash? What else do you make...… just put something down - I love it all.
What is your favorite food?
hm probably, um, my favorite food... maybe a Dinnick's roasted pork sandwich with long hot.. mmm no, the Ye old Ale House house made roast beef sanwhich with horse radish and hot peppers and provole cheese... ohhhhhh mannn.
Name the best part of dating Megan?
For as big of a pain in the ass I am, she let's me be me - plus she buys me beer and does not mind me playing video games whenever I want.
Pick one: Megan or Bryn?
I don't respond to loaded questions.
How old are you?
Stare of death** 32
Do you want kids?
Did Megan put you up to asking this? Yes. someday MG, be patient (MG is my nickname)