The best part of this salad is that no dressing is required. The lemon on the warm kale, really gives a light refreshing taste to the salad.
Prep Time : 5 Min
Cook: 7 Min
- Kale - Lemon
- Garlic - Avocado
- Cucumber - Olive Oil
-Cherry Tomatoes - Salt/Pepper
In a frying pan on low to medium heat, add a drizzle of Olive Oil. Add a handful of Kale to the pan. Sprinkle a table spoon of minced garlic over top the kale ( this prevents the garlic from burning). Toss kale on occasion.
While kale is warming, cut cherry tomoatoes, cucumber, and avocado.
Squeeze a quarter of a lemon on top of kale. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. Transfer Greens to a bowl and top with tomatoes, cucumber, and avocado.
EXTRA: add Chicken, Chickpeas, Egg for added protien
